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How to Practice the presence of God

Step by step Practice the presence of God

This practice simply means

“selecting, and developing habits for cultivating, an awareness of God’s presence.”

In this video will assist your in entering into the presence of god

Practicing God’s presence is a deeply biblical idea, however it can be practiced by any person with the desire to live in the present moment, to be aware of their true selves.

This practice is the ongoing practices that we can only do in the power of His Spirit, throughout our daily lives. We take our life with God or our awareness of his presence with us everywhere, not just into our quiet times but into our noisy times too, incorporating practices into our lives that help us keep that awareness right in front of us, throughout the day, every day.

The key truth is that all of life is lived in the presence of God;

there’s no part of it, nothing too mundane or ordinary, that isn’t permeated by him.

  • You Should set aside a time for practice twice a day
  • Your goal will be to remain in Gods presence at all times
  • You should dedicate about 60 minutes for each practice session
  • The video has been made 1 hour long to assist you.
  • It would be best to have a comfortable, quiet place to sit
  • The video contains binaural beets which are best heard with headphones but they are not necessary
  • The video is non denominational.

Step by Step guide

Below are a few practices that I have found helpful in my own life for practicing God’s presence on a daily basis.

First Thing in the Morning: Before rising from bed, or as you prepare for the day (e.g., while taking a shower ), recite this prayer or one that resonates with you

“Lord God, Have mercy on me, a sinner”

The second thing is to make time to enter into the presence of God at least once a day, perhaps this guided meditation may help you.