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Guide to Astral Projection

While astral projection, a willful out-of-body experience (OBE) is a topic that lacks scientific consensus, it has been discussed in various spiritual and esoteric traditions for centuries. If you’re interested in exploring astral projection, here’s a basic guide to get started based on accounts from those traditions. Keep in mind, everyone’s experience may vary and these steps may not work for everyone.

1. Preparation:

  • Choose a quiet, dimly lit, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Lie down on your back in a comfortable position.
  • Try to practice after waking up from sleep, as your body is relaxed but your mind is alert.

2. Relaxation:

  • Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths.
  • Perform a body scan relaxation technique, where you focus on relaxing each part of your body one at a time, starting from your toes and working up to your head.

3. Enter a Hypnagogic State:

  • This is the state between wakefulness and sleep. Some find it helpful to imagine a simple repetitive task, like climbing up or down stairs.

4. Deepen the State:

  • Stay in this hypnagogic state for some time. You might start to see colors, patterns or images, or feel sensations of floating or moving.

5. The Vibration Stage:

  • Some report feeling a vibration or buzzing sensation. This is believed to signal that you’re close to astral projection. Try not to be afraid – fear can snap you back to full wakefulness.

6. Separation:

  • Once you’ve reached the vibrational stage, the next step is to “separate” your astral body from your physical body. One common technique is the “rope method,” where you visualize a rope above you and imagine your astral body climbing up it. Other people imagine floating up and out of their bodies.

7. Exploration:

  • Once you feel that you’ve separated, you can explore. Remember, the astral plane is considered to be a realm of thought and emotion, so it may be different from the physical world.

8. Return:

  • To return to your physical body, think about it and you should feel yourself being pulled back. Some people report snapping back suddenly, while others return gradually.

Remember, patience is key. It may take many attempts before you experience anything. If you get frustrated or scared, stop and try again another time. It’s also important to approach this with an open mind – if you don’t believe it’s possible, you’re unlikely to experience it.