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Experiment with Light – Quaker

“Experiment with Light” is a Quaker spiritual practice that was developed by British Quaker and theologian Rex Ambler in 1996. This practice is rooted in the experiences and insights of early Quakers, also known as Friends, from the seventeenth century. Ambler’s intention was to rediscover and understand the deep spiritual experiences that early Quakers described, and to make these accessible to modern practitioners.

The core of “Experiment with Light” is a meditative practice that guides participants through a process of introspection and spiritual discovery. This process is based on the idea of the “Inner Light,” a concept fundamental to Quaker spirituality which suggests that there is something divine within everyone. The practice involves a series of steps that are designed to help individuals connect with this Inner Light and gain insights into their lives and spiritual paths.

The practice involves four main steps:

  1. Mind the Light: This step involves paying attention to what is going on inside oneself, especially focusing on feelings or thoughts that might be uncomfortable or challenging. It’s about becoming aware of one’s inner state.
  2. Open Your Heart to the Truth: Here, the practice encourages not shying away from difficult truths or emotions but instead approaching them with an attitude of openness and stillness.
  3. Wait in the Light: This step is about patience and allowing the Inner Light to reveal deeper truths about oneself and one’s situation. It involves asking questions and waiting for clarity and understanding to emerge.
  4. Submit: The final step is about accepting and welcoming the insights and understandings that have been revealed by the Light.

Ambler’s development of this practice was influenced by his study of the writings of early Friends, where he sought to understand the profound spiritual experiences they described. He aimed to create a systematic method that would allow modern individuals to access similar experiences of truth and enlightenment.

“Experiment with Light” has been adopted by many Quaker communities and individuals around the world. It is practiced both in group settings and individually. The practice has been described as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth, helping individuals to confront and understand deeper aspects of their lives and to find peace and reconciliation with their experiences.

For further reading and a more detailed understanding, you can explore resources such as Experiment with Light’s official website and the Wikipedia page on Experiment with Light.

How to achieve the visualization of light Explained

Imagining a soft, warm light in meditation, like the one mentioned in your meditation script, is a form of visualization that’s used in various meditation practices. This visualization serves multiple purposes in enhancing the meditation experience.

  1. Creating Mental Imagery for Focus: Visualization meditation involves creating mental images to focus the mind and evoke specific feelings or sensations. The image of a soft, warm light can be particularly effective in promoting relaxation and a sense of inner peace. This form of visualization offers a structured way to guide the mind through meditation, making the experience more vivid and immersive. By engaging all your senses in the process, you create a more engaging and realistic experience, allowing for deeper immersion in the visualization.
  2. Symbolism and Spiritual Significance: In some spiritual traditions, visual experiences like seeing a white light during meditation are interpreted as signs of spiritual enlightenment or a heightened awareness attained through meditation. This light is often viewed as a positive energy that can bring about a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s spiritual journey. It’s seen as a connection to higher selves or Universal Consciousness. In some cases, the light is also associated with opening up the third eye chakra, indicating psychic insight and a balance between physical and spiritual energy within oneself.
  3. Healing and Emotional Resonance: In practices like body scan visualization, imagining a warm, healing light moving through different parts of the body can help promote relaxation, reduce physical pain, and enhance overall well-being. This kind of visualization can also be used to foster feelings of love, compassion, and empathy towards oneself and others.
  4. Practical Application in Meditation Practice: To effectively practice visualization meditation, it’s recommended to start with simple images that are easy to picture, such as the soft, warm light. As your practice deepens, you can move on to more complex visualizations or even create your own unique scenarios. Regular practice is essential to improve your ability to visualize and concentrate over time.

The idea of visualizing a soft, warm light is not just a random choice; it’s a thoughtfully chosen image that aligns with many of the goals of meditation, including relaxation, spiritual insight, emotional healing, and focused attention.

For more detailed information on visualization meditation, you can refer to Zen Guided, Mindworks, and Yogalaff.