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Binaural Theta Deep Sleep

About Binaural Theta Deep Sleep

What Are Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats are a perception of sound created by your brain. If you listen to two tones, each at a different frequency and each in a different ear, your brain creates an additional tone you can hear. This third tone is called a binaural beat. You hear it at the frequency difference between the two tones.

How Do Binaural Beats Work?

When each ear hears a tone at a slightly different frequency, your brain tries to compensate by creating the perception3 of a third sound. This creation of a third sound is caused by the same part of the brain that helps you determine the location of a sound. To hear the binaural beat, you must have sound coming in each ear. If you take out one of your earbuds, you’ll no longer hear the binaural beat.

When binaural beats are sustained over a period of time, they can synchronize with your brain waves. As a result, binaural beats can alter your brain wave activity as well as your levels of arousal.

What Can Binaural Beats Do?

Binaural beats can be created at different frequencies. Each frequency is associated with outcomes that correspond to different levels of brain wave activity4.

  • Gamma (γ) pattern: Gamma waves are the highest frequency of brain activity between 30 Hz and 50 Hz. This type of brain activity is associated with alertness, concentration, and problem solving. A small study found that people listening to binaural beats at gamma frequencies of 40 Hz experienced improved memory, cognition, and even mood.
  • Beta (β) pattern: Beta waves range between 13 Hz and 30 Hz. These waves in the brain are linked to an active and alert mind. Higher levels of beta waves are also associated with anxiety. Listening to binaural beats in the beta wave pattern has been shown to improve mood and task performance. Other research has shown that listening to binaural beats at 15 Hz improves memory and accuracy.
  • Alpha (α) pattern: Ranging between 8 Hz and 13 Hz, alpha waves indicate a relaxed and restful mind. Research shows that binaural beat stimulation in the alpha range can increase creativity in some listeners.
  • Theta (θ) pattern: During stage one of sleep, which is the lightest stage of sleep, your brain produces theta waves at a frequency between 4 Hz and 8 Hz. Theta waves are also associated with drowsiness and meditation. Studies show that listening to binaural beats at a 6 Hz frequency can induce a meditative state.
  • Delta (δ) pattern: The slowest brain waves are delta waves. These waves have a frequency between 0.5 Hz and 4 Hz. As you transition into deeper sleep stages, your brain switches from theta waves to delta waves. Dreaming can occur. Listening to binaural beats at delta frequencies can help you sleep.

How Do I Use Binaural Beats?

If you decide to use binaural beats in hopes of improving sleep, there are numerous binaural beat tracks available online. You can also purchase CDs or audio files featuring binaural beats. Oftentimes, these tracks have white noise or other gentle sounds to help you relax. Choose tracks designed for sleep, which are typically beats at theta or delta frequencies.

The length of binaural beat tracks vary. You may need to experiment with multiple listenings to determine how long of a track you need to induce sleepiness.

When listening to binaural beats, make sure you have sound entering each ear. You can wear headphones or earbuds, whichever is more comfortable. If you lose sound in one ear, you will not hear the binaural beats created independently by the brain.

Are There Any Side Effects to Using Binaural Beats?

Currently, only a few negative side effects of using binaural beats have been reported. Some listeners report irritability or frustration while listening to the beats. To prevent this discomfort, researchers suggest tracks with additional sounds, such as white noise.

Additionally, long-term exposure to sound at 85 decibels or higher can result in hearing loss. Examples of everyday sounds at that level or above are motorcycles, concerts, sporting events, and listening to music at full volume through headphones. As you listen to binaural beats, be sure the volume is not too high.

Health benefits of Binaural Beats

There exist numerous health benefits linked to binaural beats. They ensure the brain is always in a healthy state. The benefits will, however, be influenced by the brainwaves entrained. The binaural beats have been confirmed to reduce anxiety, improve a person’s mood, reduce tension, and also improve long term memory. The beats have also been proved to promote spiritual consciousness of individuals. There are studies which have been indicating that binaural beats are essential in pain management, especially among the surgical patients.

With increasing life pressure ranging from social, financial, to personal, has created a niche for binaural beats. Some of the daily challenges will easily be fixed by balanced healthy lifestyles, but some of the problems will require mental calmness. When one is stressed up, binaural beats will offer them relaxation due to their meditation powers. They are the digital drugs for remarkable relaxation and creating calm meditation moments. Beats will be effective for the freeing of the mind, thus creating calm spaces required for a person’s daily life. Medical professionals are already using theta binaural therapy for curing of cognitive and behavioral disorders. Some of the benefits of binaural beats include:  

  • Increasing relaxation: the beats will allow one to relax, especially when one is under heavy schedules and has little or no time reserved for them. The beats allow one to enjoy their sleep. Regularly listening to the binaural beats will train the mind so that it relaxes. The beats will prevent overactive minds during resting or bedtime. It will also lower stress, which is among the key roles of binaural beats technology. The beats will transport a person to a haven of tranquility away from daily challenges and tensions. Relaxation will also be promoted due to the elimination of anxiety. It will distract a person from irrational thoughts and panic attacks.
  • The beats allow one to get time for deep meditation: centering a human brain to meditation is a close to impossible task. The binaural beats will help meditators so that they attain low brainwave frequencies while maintaining high-level consciousness. Binaural beats ensure a person access higher awareness realms, and they remain there for long hours.
  • Increases mindfulness: with no person around, we will often be distracted by the things around us. Human minds are easily scattered, even in the moments, we wouldn’t want to be distracted. The beats will allow you to access the present, letting go of all the attachments from the past plus the future thoughts. The concentration of a person will also be boosted by the beats. They increase the focus of a person, therefore spiking concentration levels. The alertness of a person will be increased since pressure and stress will be relieved from the brain.
  • Binaural beats will increase positivity: from studies, binaural beats positively boost the human brain on a daily basis. Users have consistently been reporting feelings linked to happiness, contentment, and optimism.
  • Binaural beats are essential in body healing: an illness will indirectly be healed using binaural beats. However, from scientific studies, there is a thin line between physical and mental health. The physical body will be naturally stronger and healthier after mental health has been promoted. This means that relieving body anxiety and stress will promote physical health.

welcome to our page of selected Binaural Theta meditations of various lengths

8 hour Deep Meditation Sound Track

If you are looking for an all night track to help you get a good nights sleep try this one, you will not be disappointed.

90 Minute Deep Meditation Sound Track

We hope you enjoy this 90 minute meditation, after a quick guided start, you will be able to do your own meditation

1 Hour Deep Meditation Sound Track

Doing a dial 60 minute meditation will fast track your spiritual growth, after a quick guided start, you will be able to do your own meditation

30 Minute Deep Meditation Sound Track

Our 30 minute meditation is ideal to start and end a busy day, and will keep you centered. You will eventually notice no difference between your set practice period and your daily life.